Contact Zakir Husain Delhi College
For your convenience to contact Zakir Husain Delhi College We have provided all possible information of Zakir Husain Delhi College. You can contact Zakir Husain Delhi College on the given phone number +91-011-23233420 / 23232218. To know the address location of Zakir Husain Delhi College it is also presented here Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Opposite Ramlila Ground, New Delhi 110002, India. Contact them by sending email to Zakir Husain Delhi College you will find an email address here . To know more about Zakir Husain Delhi College, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Zakir Husain Delhi College, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Zakir Husain Delhi College is Associated With and Known as:
Zakir Husain Delhi College is an old college of India which is affiliated to University of Delhi. It is a versatile college which has nineteen academic departments. The college came into existence in 1692. It offers studies in humanities, Science and Commerce in under-graduation and post-graduation. The college also imparts certificate course for Russian Language. The college also manages various events and functions for its students for their amusement and leisure like memorial lectures, full dress convocation including extra curricular activities like sports and games etc. Its campus is fully furnished in modern style and houses computer Labs, canteen, library, seminar rooms, auditorium etc.
Brief Info of Zakir Husain Delhi College
The students or parents who wants to get a complete information of the Zakir Husain Delhi College, can visit personally on the below address which includes as
Zakir Husain Delhi College,
Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg,
New Delhi-110002.
+91-11-2323-34202218Website :
www.zakirhusaindelhicollege.inAffiliating University:
University of Delhi, DelhiYear of Establishment: 1824
Year of Affiliation: 1925
Year of Recognition: Since Beginning
Postal Address of Zakir Husain Delhi College
Dr. M. Aslam Parvaiz (Principal)
Zakir Husain Delhi College
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg,
(Opp. Ramlila Ground)
New Delhi-110002
23232218 / 23233420 / 23232779Email: or zakirhusaindelhicollege@gmail.comEmail: Staff Members of Zakir Husain Delhi College
In order to connect with the staff members of Zakir Husain Delhi College, feel free to use the below mentioned numbers including as:
Samia Farid(Section Officer Accounts):
9873180050Syed Hasan Abid Section Officer (Administration):
9873156622Zafar Kamal(Sr. P.A. to Principal):
9868853918Ayaz Ahmed(Chashier):
9899718808Shehzad Ahmed:
9350881412Mohd. Javed Asif:
9811005372Mumtaz Ali Hashmi:
9811768435Dr. Vijay Sarda(RTI & PIO):