YVR is Associated With and Known as:
The Vancouver International Airport (IATA Code-YVR) is the second busiest airport hosts over eighteen million passengers per year. The airport laid its foundation in the year 1992. YVR is owned by the Transport Department of Canada and operated by the Vancouver Airport Authority. The airport is developed on the unique British Columbian style.
Key Business of YVR
Vancouver International Airport has more than 296000 aircraft operations and its Cargo transport capacity is of 228000 tones. It operates regular flights to Asia, Europe, Oceania, the United States, Mexico and other airports within Canada. YVR is an industrial hub for the Air Canada, West-jet Airlines and the Air Transat. Furthermore, this airport has been ranked as 8th based airports all over the world.
Customer Service Contact Number of YVR:
+1-604-207-7077 For general inquiries, information, status of flights, arrival or departure of flights, other concern or assistance, one can contact to customer service representatives at above mentioned number.
Email Customer Support of YVR:
customercallcentre@yvr.ca Having any query, information, one can free to contact Vancouver International Airport through above given email address.
Mailing Address of YVR:
P.O Box 23750, Airport Postal Outlet, Richmond, British Columbia V7B 1Y7, Canada
Customers can posts their issues, complaints, suggestions related to services or customer support facilities of YVR at above given mailing address.
Head Office Address of YVR:
Vancouver International Airport is situated at 3211, Grant McConachie Way, Richmond, British Columbia V7B1W2, Canada.
Web Portal of YVR:
www.yvr.ca Vancouver International Airport offers various facilities through its official websites that enables the customers to get flights information, book a flight, check flights status, manage bookings, make payments and much more.
Social Media Network of YVR:
To get latest updates, news, information, reviews, etc., customers can follow or subscribe Vancouver International Airport at social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Official Blog. The social media links are as:
You Tube Channel of YVR: www.youtube.com/user/airportYVR
Facebook Profile of YVR: www.facebook.com/VancouverInternationalAirport
Twitter Account of YVR: twitter.com/yvrairport
Official Blog of YVR: feeds.feedburner.com/yvr/EMbF