Contact Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh
For your convenience to contact Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh We have provided all possible information of Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh. You can contact Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh on the given phone number 0172-6610112. To know the address location of Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh it is also presented here No-78, Industrial Area, Phase No-2, Chandigarh, Punjab, India. Contact them by sending email to Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh you will find an email address here . To know more about Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh is Associated With and Known as:
Voltas Limited was founded on 6th September 1954 at Mumbai. The company was formed by Volkart Brothers and Tata Sons Pvt Ltd. The company working as Volkart Brothers in India. Voltas procedures are arranged into three independent business unique groups such as Electro Mechanical Projects and Services, Engineering Products and Services, Unitary Cooling Products. Voltas provides its air conditioners, refrigeration and construction equipment products from the manufacturing units of Thane, Dadra and Pantnagar. Voltas Limited wide range of product are includes in Air Conditioners, Split AC, Window AC, Cassette AC, Slimline AC, Deep Freezers, Metal Top Freezers, Glass Top Freezers, Chest Coolers, Horizontal Chest Coolers, Visi Coolers, Water Coolers, Partial Stainless steel Coolers, Full stainless steel Coolers, Water Dispensers, Mini Magic Super R Dispensers, Mini Magic Super TT Dispensers etc. Voltas has one of the authorized service center which is situated in Industrial Area, Phase No-2, Chandigarh, Punjab, India. The Corresponding services of Voltas Water Dispenser Chandigarh service center are Voltas Water Dispenser authorized service center in Chandigarh and Voltas Water Dispenser customer care.