Contact Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact
For your convenience to contact Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact We have provided all possible information of Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact. You can contact Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact on the given phone number 073558-73558. To know the address location of Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact it is also presented here Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Contact them by sending email to Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact you will find an email address here To know more about Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Videocon D2h Kanpur Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Videocon D2h Kanpur is one of the business locations of Videocon d2h in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Videocon D2h (direct to home) is a provider of direct broadcast satellite services. The corporate head office is located at 1st Floor, Techweb Centre, New Link Road, Near Mega Mall, Oshiwara, Mumbai 400102, India. According to subscriber record of January 2014, Videocon d2h has eleven million subscribers and it's primary competitors are Airtel digital TV, Reliance Big TV, DD Direct+, Dish TV, Sun Direct and TATA Sky. Videocon d2h came into existence in August 2008 and also the subsidiary of Videocon Industries Limited or Videocon Group. Videocon d2h is dominant division in the market of satellite television.
Videocon Industries Limited was the first Indian company that entered the market of Satellite Television with the name of Videocon d2h. The company also launched LCD and TVs with built in DTH satellite. The services of satellite television comes with different monthly, quarterly and yearly based packages. The company provides total 417 channels out of which 29 channels are in High Definition (HD) and 20 AIR FM channels which are accessed through different Set Top Boxes like HD Digital Set Top Box with Unlimited Recording, HD Digital Video Recorder and HD Digital Set Top Box.
Videocon Industries Limited is a public company that is traded with an image symbol of "VIDEOIND" in the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and also a stock component of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Videocon Group has seventeen manufacturing plants in India and other plants in China, Poland, Italy and Mexico. The company is also the third largest maker of television picture tube. Apart from this, it also manufactures consumer electronics, home appliances & components, office automation, Mobile phones, wireless, internet, petroleum, satellite television and power. The company was established by Venugopal Dhoot in 179. According to Forbes Magazine, Dhoot was the thirty eighth richest man in India in 2013 having total wealth of $1.25 billion. According to financial year of 2013-2014, Videocon Group has earned INR320000 million.