Contact Victoria Hospital Prince Albert
For your convenience to contact Victoria Hospital Prince Albert We have provided all possible information of Victoria Hospital Prince Albert. You can contact Victoria Hospital Prince Albert on the given phone number +1 306-765-6000, +1 800-446-2322. To know the address location of Victoria Hospital Prince Albert it is also presented here 1200 24 St W, Prince Albert, SK S6V 4B2, Canada. Contact them by sending email to Victoria Hospital Prince Albert you will find an email address here To know more about Victoria Hospital Prince Albert, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Victoria Hospital Prince Albert, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Victoria Hospital Prince Albert is Associated With and Known as:
Victoria Hospital Prince Albert is well know as the Prince Albert Parkland Regional Health Authority, offers a health-care services across the 29,000 square kilometers in central Saskatchewan. According the Ministry of Health Covered Population(MHCP) 2014, the Prince Albert Parkland has a population of 82,578 individuals, the Prince Albert is the enormous city in Canada. Victoria Hospital Prince Albert provides a better quality of services and customer support across the Saskatchewan. In Prince Albert Parkland, there are twelve nations setup with in Prince Albert Parkland, and in all nations, the Prince Albert Parkland, provides a quick and quality of health care services and support.
Main Phone Numbers Of Victoria Hospital Prince Albert
Below the main customer service phone numbers of the Victoria Hospital Prince Albert, to get a desired infromation you want dial below give Phone numbers:
Department | Phone Number |
Victoria Hospital | 306-765-6000 |
Home Care Regional Office | 306-765-2450 |
Public Health Inspection | 306-765-6600 |
Public Health Nursing | 306-765-6500 |
Career At Victoria Hospital Prince Albert
Victoria Hospital Prince Albert offers a excellent job positions, to join with the Victoria Hospital Prince Albert visit online at: or you can submit you resume at:
jobs or you can call at:
306-765-6430 Other Useful Phone Numbers Of Victoria Hospital Prince Albert
The other department phone numbers are mentioned below, if you have any quires you can contact with customer service executive, below given phone numbers:
if you want to more other Victoria Hospital Prince Albert department phone numbers, you can visit online mentioned link at:
Department | Phone Number |
Prince Albert Parkland Health Region | 306-765-6400 |
Quality of Care concerns | 306-765-6499 |
Human Resources – Recruitment | 306-765-6430 |
Human Resources – Payroll | 306-765-6442 |
Communications/Media inquiries | 306-765-6409 |
Financial Services | 306-765-6420 |
Privacy and Freedom of Information Officer | 306-883-4460 |
Volunteer Services | 306-765-6010 |
Regional Health Authority board members | 06-765-6400 |