Verizon Wireless is Associated With and Known as:
Verizon Wireless is American one of the largest wireless telecommunication provider companies. It started journey on April 4, 2000 after the collaborations in between its parent company Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone. Since it is a leading Telecom service provider company, it has strength of over 101.2 million retail connections and serves more than 1,700 retail locations in the United States while it provides data and voice services in more than 200 worldwide destinations. The company is also known for its biggest 4G LTE network in US and holds more than 71,852 employees in all across the world. Coming to its parent company Verizon Communications Inc., which is considered America's few of the top broadband and telecom provider companies based in the New York.
Verizon Wireless Business Expansion
Verizon has been operating from headquarters falls in the Basking Ridge area of New Jersey serving more than 125.3 million subscribers till 2014; it is the leading wireless telecommunication serving provider in the country. ‘That’s Powerful’ is the slogan of the company that is used by company in most of its advertisement campaigns. Since establishment, Verizon Wireless has expanded its business in many aspects. On December 5, 2010 Verizon launched 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) network and 2011; the company introduced ten new LTE devices that include two tablets, two Mifi hotspots and five smartphones. The company also entered into Alaska market with the first LTE cellular network in 2013. Next year, in September 2014, it started giving HD voice service called advanced calling service.
Verizon Wireless Headoffice Address:
Verizon Wireless is the part of Verizon that has been running numerous branches across the United States. The address of
Verizon head office is given below is
140 West Street, New York, NY 10007, United States.
Verizon Wireless Headoffice Contact Number:
1-212-395-1000 Dial this number to contact the head-office of Wireless Verizon.
Verizon Email Address: this URL you can write directly to Verizon Customer support department only between the business day. Get faster response of your queries. On this URl, you will also get a form where, customer can send your message by filling his or her name and email id.
Web-portal of Verizon Wireless: All the information of Verizon and its services are available on its official website. You can also pay your bill online for all your Verizon connection. On official website, customers can also do Live Chat with the representative of Verizon.
Verizon Wireless Stores: Follow this URL to locate nearest Verizon Wireless store around you. Accessing this URL, you have to enter the zip code or street address of your City and State and by clicking on search button you will get the listing of various Verizon Stores.

Important Shortcuts of Verizon:
Verizon allows users to dial some shortcuts from their Mobile for instant service few are given below.
Verizon Shortcuts to Check Balance #BAL (#225) + Send Button
This code can be used to check you mobile balance.
Verizon Shortcuts to Check Min#MIN (#646) + Send Button,
Check your remaining free minutes using this code.
Verizon Shortcuts to Make Payment#PMT (#768) + Send Button,
You can make payment using this shortcut code.
Verizon Shortcuts to Check Data Used#DATA (#3282) + Send Button,
To check your internet data use this code.
Verizon Shortcuts to Check Upgrade Eligibility#UPG (#874) + Send Button
Verizon Wireless Career: Accessing this URL, you can get latest information regarding the jobs, training, and other career opportunity available at Verizon. Make yourself update with all the career opportunities of Verizon following above links.
Verizon Order Status: You can check the status of your order over the phone. For this you have to follow this URL where you have to fill your order number

Verizon Verizon gives you option to create an account on the web-portal of Verizon. Access the URL to login the your existing account.
Verizon Advertisement Offers:
Now you can advertise your business with wide network of Verizon services. To learn more about the advertisement opportunity you can write at email id or can call at phone number
+1(212)-328-0825 Verizon Contact Us Page: contact us page, customer can contact Verizon for queries related to billing, Verizon Tv, Verizon internet, Verizon phone, order and change service.

Verizon Social Profiles:
Verizon is equally active on social media, where users can be connected with Verizon and can get latest updates regarding the features and services of Verizon.
Facebook Page of
Verizon Twitter handle
Google + Page of