UPMC is Associated With and Known as:
UPMC is one of the largest healthcare service provider in the United States. It is focused on cost effective patient care services. Every year, the health care service provider spent more than 885 million dollars for the patient care.
UPMC Health Care Network
UPMC has established a wide network of health care services. It is counted among the leading employers across the state. The Health Care Service provider offers the services through twenty two hospitals and four hundred doctor offices. UPMC has 2,200,000 member health insurance divisions in the country. UPMC covers wide range of medical services including Mental Health Services, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Geriatrics, Imaging Services, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Rheumatology, Thyroid, Wound Healing Services, Bariatric Surgery, Esophageal Surgery, Lung and Thoracic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Transplant Surgery and Vascular Surgery. The Healthcare Service provider has broadly divided its plans into Three categories; these are individual and families, Medicare over 65 and Employer.
UPMC Customer Service Toll Free Number:
1-800-854-1745Presence of UPMC on the Social Media Websites:
UPMC operates accounts on all the social media websites. You can reach to its official accounts through the given links and follow the latest activities of the health care provider.
UPMC Facebook Account Link: www.facebook.com/upmc?ref=nf
UPMC Google Plus Account Link: plus.google.com/+upmc/posts
UPMC Pinterest Account Link: www.pinterest.com/upmc/
UPMC Twitter Account Link: www.twitter.com/UPMCnews
UPMC LinkedIn Account Link: www.linkedin.com/company/upmc
UPMC Instagram Account Link: instagram.com/upmcstories/
UPMC YouTube Channel Link: www.youtube.com/user/upmc
Important Links on the Website of UPMC:
UPMC members can enjoy various online facilities, available on the
official website of UPMC. You can reach to these facilities by following the given links.
UPMC Find a Doctorfindadoc.upmc.com/FindADocSearch.aspx?_ga=1.122949195.1343065392.1425958793
UPMC Request an Appointmentwww.upmc.com/contact/Pages/appointment-request.aspx
UPMC Locationswww.upmc.com/locations/Pages/default.aspx
UPMC Pay My Billpaybill.upmc.com/OBP/DefaultWeb.aspx?_ga=1.122949195.1343065392.1425958793
Get UPMC Medical Recordswww.upmc.com/patients-visitors/medical-records/Pages/default.aspx
UPMC Urgent Carewww.upmc.com/services/urgent-care/pages/default.aspx