Contact University of Surrey Contact
For your convenience to contact University of Surrey Contact We have provided all possible information of University of Surrey Contact. You can contact University of Surrey Contact on the given phone number +44 1483 300800 / 0800 980 3200. To know the address location of University of Surrey Contact it is also presented here Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom. Contact them by sending email to University of Surrey Contact you will find an email address here To know more about University of Surrey Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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University of Surrey Contact is Associated With and Known as:
The University of Surrey is a co-educational research university lies in the South East of England. The university started its journey in the year 1891 with the name of Battersea Polytechnic Institute. It changed its name as the University of Surrey in 1966 by Royal Charter. The university has around 2,338 administrative staff members and 15,705 students. The University of Surrey provides an extensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses such as Accounting and Finance, Financial Mathematics, Food Science and Microbiology, Business and Retail Management, Chemical and Bio-Systems Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Microbiology and lots more. It is affiliated to the Pacific Asia Travel Association, Association of Commonwealth Universities and European University Association. It is one of the largest research universities throughout the country. The campus of the university is spread in an area of about 222 acres. The University of Surrey has comprehensive facilities regarding sports, Ivy Arts Center, theater and studio, cafeteria, workshop space, Surrey Sports Park and many research facilities. The university has been rewarded with Queen's Award.
Key Contacts Of University of Surrey
The customers can use the below offered key contacts through which all the general information regarding the University includes as:
+44 (0)1483 300800Course Inquiries:
0800 980 3200Undergraduate: Days:
01483 681681Customer Care Departmental Contacts Of University of Surrey
The students who wants to get connect with any department of
University of Surrey, feel free to call at the recommended numbers of the departments as:
Alumni & Development Office:
+44 (0)1483 683143Careers Services:
+44 (0)1483 68 9001Surrey Clinical Research Centre:
01483 689797Recruitment:
0800 269 847Human Resources:
+44 (0)1483 689318International Student Office:
+44 (0)1483 689467Library:
+44(0)1483 689235Email: & Enterprise Support:
+44(0)1483 689110Email: