Tucson Electric Power is Associated With and Known as:
Tucson Electric Power is the largest provider of electric utility services based in United States. The company began its journey in 1892. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of UniSource Energy Corporation. The company supplies power to approximately 400,000 customers in all over the world. It is the America's second largest investor-owned utilities. The company runs with commercial, industrial, residential and public sector customers. The head office of the company is located in Tucson, Arizona. It is a nine storey building and spread in an area of 170,000 square feet. As per 2013, it has approximately 500 employees. The company produces electricity by coal, gas, oil, and solar projects.
Corporate Address of Tucson Electric Power
In order to get visit the corporate address of
Tucson Electric Power, the users can use the below mentioned address or can dial the given number as
Tucson Electric Power
PO Box 711
Tucson AZ 85702-0711
+1 520-623-7711 / 520-623-3451Mailing Address of Tucson Electric Power
The users can send their mails regarding the services of
Tucson Electric Power on the below mentioned address as:
Tucson Electric Power
PO Box 80077
Prescott AZ 86304-8077
Service Numbers of Tucson Electric Power
The customers can use the below mentioned service numbers in order to get instant response from the
Tucson Electric Power which includes as:
Services | Phone Numbers |
Report an emergency | 520-623-3451 |
Check account information | 520-623-7711 |
Reach Arizona Blue Stake | 800-782-5348 |
Duncan Jensen | duncanj@aquasox.com |
TTY for Hearing Impaired | 800-367-8939 |
Media Inquiries | 520-884-3742 |
Employment Hotline | 520-884-3618 |
Privacy Contacts of Tucson Electric Power
The customers can use the below mentioned contacts for the information of the privacy terms and conditions including as:
Privacy Matters
c/o TEP
PO Box 711
Tucson, AZ 85702-0711
corpcomm@tep.com Call:
520-884-3630Contact Persons of Tucson Electric Power
The customers can also contact the below mentioned officers of
Tucson Electric Power for the economic developmental programs as:
Larry LuceroSenior Director
Government Relations
& Economic Development
Tucson Electric Power
88 E Broadway Blvd
Tucson AZ 85701
llucero@tep.comArt McDonald
Economic Development
Tucson Electric Power
88 E Broadway Blvd
Tucson AZ 85701