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Today Show is a television program in Australia. It is a live Breakfast News Program. The news program is being aired via Nine Network. The Today Show was launched on 28 June 1982. The show is hosted by the Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson. It can be reached via twitter at @thetodayshow.

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Here is another cult very similar to Claire Ashman as seen in news. They are called the Redeemer Baptist. They have a school at Pennent Hills. I was fostered there from 1976- 1981, placed there by Government. Also attended Royal Commission re same in 2015. They are still as powerful if not more and have destroyed many lives. I have not finished with them. They are no longer allowed to foster children. There have been investigations, but nothing has really come of it. However the lives they have destroyed needs to be made accountable. Happy to discuss further 0438475157. Sarah Dingle Journalist did try too.

7/24/2018 10:41:05 PM

Can't find an email address for today show please provide.

8/14/2018 2:42:38 PM

I am one of those awaiting pensioners you mentioned this morning. I commenced work at age 16 and have always paid my taxes, at times very high. Prior to turning 66, I spent eight hours attempting to lodge my entitlement (they say claim)on their non-user friendly site. Early September I then visited the local Centrelink Office, but had to return with more documents, only to then be told I needed extra information from my super fund. I contacted that fund and within eight minutes the had emailed my request which I sent on to Centrelink. I received a computer-generated email saying my pension would commence on 22/10/2018. I received six SMS messages: three on 3/9 "your claim has been submitted Successfully; 12/9 and 24/9 "we are were working on your claim, you do not need to do anything"; 22/10 "We are working on your claim, claims take longer to process if they are complex or submitted during busy days. On 22/10 the Department of Human Services in Canberra composed a letter requesting documents which have already been handed in at my local office. There are contradictions which are absolutely confusing and causing undue stress and gross dissatisfaction.

10/28/2018 2:18:23 PM

There are no squatters rights in nsw. The piece on this morning re person wins 1. three million dollar house was adverse possetion. If an owner does not make any effort I believe for 12year to remove a squatter the squatter can after 12 years claim ownership. It took me over five years to have squatters removed from a small property I own. It took a hit and run murder here to force police to remove the squatters trespass and squatting are police matters. I person spoke like an ELDER ABUSER when I believe she said she would like to find some elderly person around, move in with them and after 12 months its yours. Squatting in nsw is a criminal offence and nothing to laugh about. Some people in the media should be very carefull what they say. My income is age pension and a small defence force pension. I have to pay for all the repairs and fix the damage done and any one making light of something so serious should be sacked. You are the type of people I hope some ice junky causes you a lot of grief NOT ME. We had a murder, two detectives came to my place to see if I had cctv footage to help them. Next day a sergeant came to my place and said I have been around to lot 24 and told them if they are not out in 1hour I will lock them up. Over five years the trade off was I gave them the towns main drug dealars the spicers, I also told them to check and found through crimestopper I had two police removed the grawin opalfiels main ice dealer ricky kingdom only got about three years That police have known for years ian Gleeson is the chemist of 1of the largest ice labs in nsw, but some pretty big people run the lab. It has been going for 30years or more. I wonder if these people who make light of squatting have ever finally had busted any one dealing nsw drug squad was chasing ricky kingdom for years. Squatting is a criminal offence not a joke.

10/30/2018 5:35:45 PM

I rarely watch Today anymore due to your constant Trump Bashing Agenda which reached new heights this morning when I saw Joe "whats his name" (political commentator) going once again on a scripted Trump bashing session. The Today Show would never have allowed this when Obama was President and I am sick of it. Will never watch you again. Oh and by the way after Joe critisised Trump non stop for five minutes he had the audacity to say "He couldn't even go the DAMN cemetary" Very nice Joe and Channel Nine. What a disgrace this man and your show is. Trump is the best thing that has happened to the US since Reagan. It's called Leadership and you and that Whiny Lefty Joe should stop your tantrums and accept he is The President of the US and show him some respect.

11/10/2018 2:40:17 PM

I have a photo i want to send to the today show on email of the storm hitting charmhaven very different, but cant find the email address to send to today show regards Charlie Turpin .

12/20/2018 12:48:18 AM