Contact Teleton USA
For your convenience to contact Teleton USA We have provided all possible information of Teleton USA. You can contact Teleton USA on the given phone number 1 210-257-6260. To know the address location of Teleton USA it is also presented here 6320 Canoga Avenue Suite 1500-54, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 USA. Contact them by sending email to Teleton USA you will find an email address here To know more about Teleton USA, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Teleton USA, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Teleton USA is Associated With and Known as:
Teleton is a TV Show that was emerged in the year 1996. The main Aim of the show is to aware people about their health care and also help them financially. The money gained through this show is funded to number of disability centers to render financial help to them. In the year 2012, Teleton collaborated with the Universal Television Network and initiated Teleton USA. Teleton USA also render financial help for poor needy and disable people across America. Its first show was telecasted on 14th of December and was hosted by Don Francisco. The first saving of Teleton USA crossed US$7 millions. Families that are suffering Due to any tragedies like any kind of disease, without shelter, or any of the disability factor are supported and funded by Teleton USA. Teleton works on CRIT protocol that has its own principles and rules.
Key values of Teleton USA
life: The members of Teleton USA render their services with love and humanity and give a second chance to those who have lost all the hopes with their lives.
Humanity: The members treat their users with respect and dignity and takes full responsibility of their users till they get financially secured.
Love: The Members of Teleton USA consider their users just like their family and works with passion and love to help others.
Teleton USA way to Donate
Every user can contribute and help the needy persons. The user can donate their amount online by selection the card by which the donation is made and the amount that is to be donated. For easy access Users can visit the link given below: Networking Links of Teleton USA
User who want to know about the Company before getting involved in this, can Contact them on various Social Networking Sites mentioned below:
Direct Facebook link of Teleton USA
Direct Twitter link of Teleton USA
Direct You Tube link of Teleton USA