Contact Telecom Italia Contact
For your convenience to contact Telecom Italia Contact We have provided all possible information of Telecom Italia Contact. You can contact Telecom Italia Contact on the given phone number +39 06 36881. To know the address location of Telecom Italia Contact it is also presented here Corso D'Italia, 41 00198 Rome, Italy. Contact them by sending email to Telecom Italia Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Telecom Italia Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Telecom Italia Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Telecom Italia is a telecommunication company based in Italy that was founded in July 1994 through the efforts of organization of many Telecom companies (Sirm, Iritel, Telespazio and SIP). It was incorporated as Telecom Italia in 1997. The services provided by the company includes Mobile lines, DSL services and land line services.
The company has its corporate head office in Rome, Italy. As of 2013 records, it had employees strength of over 65,805 people which has been increasing every year. Telecom Italia has six subsidiaries including Telecom Italia Sparkle, Telecom Italia San Marino, TIM Brasil, Olivetti and Telecom Italia Media. It is organized its business in four segments namely Media, Domestic, Olivetti and Brazil. The company serves in the Mediterranean Basin, South America and Europe. Telecom Italia is also the member of stock market. In 2003, the company also started its business in television sector with the launch of La7 or MTV channels. ultra-broadband services was also launched by Italia Group in Rome, Turin and Naples, with the network of fiber-optical in 2012.
With the growth of the company, Telecom Italia has received Lundquist CSR Online Awards, Best Integrated Communication Prize and Gandhi commercial award.
For more information user can also visit the official site of the company and other contact number +39 02 85951