Contact Tastykake
For your convenience to contact Tastykake We have provided all possible information of Tastykake. You can contact Tastykake on the given phone number . To know the address location of Tastykake it is also presented here Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Contact them by sending email to Tastykake you will find an email address here . To know more about Tastykake, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Tastykake is Associated With and Known as:
Tastykake is a brand name in snack food market, making and baking tasty cakes since 1914, the main component of everyday food of the people of Philadelphia. The Founders of the company initiated the product serving in Philadelphia metropolitan area only. The quality and freshness of the products earned it popularity and service area. The brand was served under the company Tasty Baking Company. The company now is a wholly owned subsidiary of Flowers Foods.
Tastykake Varieties
1. Brownies
2. Krimpets
4. Better For You Category
5. Cookie Bars
6. Pies – mini
7. Kandy Kakes
8. Donuts
9. Dreamies
10. Danishes,
Tastykake Recipes
1. Malted Tastykake ICE Cream
2. Butterscotch Krimpet Tiramisu
3. Strawberry Banana Trifle
4. Peppermint Cheesecake Trifle
The decline of the Tastykake company, lead the leading competitor Flowers Foods take over the company. The take over has resulted in profit for Flowers Foods. The Tastykake being a famous brand in United States, needed reintroduction to serve its customers. Tastykake brand loved sports.
The details about the company are available at the official website, and some of the officially maintained social media websites.
Social Media Links of Tastykake
Facebook Profile Link
Twitter Profile Link