Contact Syndicate Bank Chandigarh
For your convenience to contact Syndicate Bank Chandigarh We have provided all possible information of Syndicate Bank Chandigarh. You can contact Syndicate Bank Chandigarh on the given phone number +91-172-2728603/ 1800-425-0585. To know the address location of Syndicate Bank Chandigarh it is also presented here Bank Square, SCO: 76-77, Sector: 17/B, Chandigarh, UT, India. Contact them by sending email to Syndicate Bank Chandigarh you will find an email address here To know more about Syndicate Bank Chandigarh, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Syndicate Bank Chandigarh is Associated With and Known as:
Syndicate Bank plays a significant role in the Indian commercial banking industry. Syndicate Bank Chandigarh is a financial services and banking products company owned by the Government of India. The Syndicate Bank Chandigarh was created in the year of 1925 and was previously identified as Canara Industrial and Banking Syndicate Limited. After some time, the Syndicate Bank Chandigarh was introduced with a new name Syndicate Bank and in 1969, was become a nationalised bank.
The foundation of Syndicate Bank Chandigarh was laid by the entrepreneurs Upendra Pai, T M A Pai and Vaman Kudva. The Syndicate Bank Chandigarh is based with corporate head office in Manipal, Karnataka, India. Syndicate Bank Chandigarh primarily functions in the segments of corporate banking, investment banking, mortgages, credit cards, investment management, consumer banking, insurance and many other financial products. In addition, Syndicate Bank Chandigarh also gives various e-banking services such as sms banking, e-Internet banking, multi-city banking, ATMs and e-payment services. Syndicate Bank Chandigarh has existence of approximately 3300 branches spread across the country.
Head Office Information Of Syndicate Bank Chandigarh
The staff members of
Syndicate Bank Chandigarh are well trained and experienced, ardent and zealous to perform their duty with integrity.
Syndicate Bank Chandigarh members are always available to help their worthwhile clients and considers them as main source of income. To know more about company policy and strategy, please access the underneath detail:
By Mail: Door No. 16/355 & 16/365A
Manipal - 576 104
Udupi District
Karnataka State (India)
Phones (EPABX):
0820-2571181 to 2571196 Products Offered By Syndicate Bank Chandigarh
Syndicate Bank Chandigarh is recognized as one of the supreme organization initiates limitless products exclusively profitable for clients such as:
- Finance and insurance
- Consumer Banking
- Corporate Banking
Investment Banking- Investment Management
- Private Equity
- Mortgages
- Credit Cards, etc