Stihl is Associated With and Known as:
Stihl is a Forestry equipment, Landscape maintenance industry. 12,026 employees are working in this company. Its headquarters situated in Waiblingen, Germany. The company was created in 1926. THe company deals in Industrial Chainsaws, String trimmers, Cultivators, Cut off saws, Leaf blowers, Construction Tools, Edgers, Pole Pruners, Augers-Drills and Protective Apparel. The company product such as STIHL Cordless Power System, Chain saws, saw chains, guide bars, Brushcutters and clearing saws, KombiSystem, MultiSystem, Cleaning systems, Hedge trimmers and long reach hedge trimmers, Cut off machines, concrete cutter and augers, STIHL Personal Protective Equipment, Mistblowers and sprayers. The company provide service are EU Vibration Directive, Safety Brochures, Safety Data Sheets etc.
Other German Address Of Stihl
Address:TIHL Vertriebszentrale AG and Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Str. 13
64807 Dieburg, Germany
Introduction To Stihl
Introduced in the year of 1926 The Stihl is a managing company of Forestry equipment and Landscape maintenance headquartered in Waiblingen, Baden Württemberg Stuttgart, Germany. The company has over than 12,338 skilled and trained employees that always works with full efficiency and dedication. The company is at a highest rank at international level. The company serves at global level with brilliant productions.
Products And Services Of Stihl
The industry of Stihl introduces a number of products that are offered at best reasonable and affordable rates. The latest production of the company are like Industrial Chainsaws, String trimmers, Cultivators, Cut off saws, Leaf blowers, Construction Tools, Edgers, Pole Pruners, Augers, Drills, Protective Apparel and much more.
Other German Contacting Number Of Stihl
06071 30 55 358Fax Number Of German Stihl06071 30 55 438Other German Email Id Of Stihl
kundenservice@stihl.deOther German Visiting Websites Of Stihl Social Media Networking Links Of Stihl
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