Contact Sony Ludhiana
For your convenience to contact Sony Ludhiana We have provided all possible information of Sony Ludhiana. You can contact Sony Ludhiana on the given phone number 1800-103-7799, 1800-3000-2800. To know the address location of Sony Ludhiana it is also presented here SCO 38-39 G, 1st Floor, BRS Nagar, Ludhiana -141012, Punjab, India. Contact them by sending email to Sony Ludhiana you will find an email address here . To know more about Sony Ludhiana, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Sony Ludhiana, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Sony Ludhiana is Associated With and Known as:
Sony Ludhiana is a branch and sales network operated by Sony India, a division of Sony Corporation. Sony Ludhiana customer care branch assists the customers across the Ludhiana and nearby areas by providing the excellent customer support. The customer care branch of Sony in Ludhiana is also committed to solve the customer problems and issues related to its products and services.
Sony Operations and Products in Ludhiana
Sony is the most famous brand in Ludhiana that is best known for its Mobile devices. The company offers a full range of consumer electronics and information technology products such as televisions, storage media devices, mobile phones, car entertainment products, cameras, computer and peripherals, home theater systems, tablets, smartphones, accessories, etc.
Sony Ludhiana Branch Office Address:
Ludhiana branch office of Sony is situated at SCO 38-39 G, 1st Floor, BRS Nagar, Ludhiana-141012, Punjab, India. Sony Ludhiana branch office has been established by Sony India with the aim to help the local customers. The contact
phone number of Sony Ludhiana office is +91-161-4632222.
Sony Ludhiana Customer Support Number:
1800-103-7799 toll free, is the customer care helpline phone number of Sony Ludhiana for all products (excluding mobile phones). The Sony Ludhiana mobile users can contact at Sony Ludhiana customer helpline number 1800-3000-2800 toll free.
Online Platform of Sony Ludhiana:, is a web portal of Sony India in Ludhiana that is a single window access and provides information to the customers relating its products and services. The website of Sony Ludhiana is also dedicated to help the customers by providing a vast range of resources and services such as track repair status, service FAQs, warranty information, service request form, product registration, etc.