Contact Sony Laptops India
For your convenience to contact Sony Laptops India We have provided all possible information of Sony Laptops India. You can contact Sony Laptops India on the given phone number 1800-103-7799 , 1800-3000-2800. To know the address location of Sony Laptops India it is also presented here Registered Office: A-31, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044, India. Contact them by sending email to Sony Laptops India you will find an email address here . To know more about Sony Laptops India, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Sony Laptops India is Associated With and Known as:
Sony India Laptops is product in Laptops offered by one of the division of an international conglomerate company, Sony corporation based in Japan. The conglomerate mainly comprises in the business of electronics, entertainment, games, and financial services. The company is well known for its electronic products throughout the world including mobiles and IT products. Sony is also one of the world's most recognized brands of consumer electronics. It serves a large number of consumers and professionals across the globe. Sony Corporation was incorporated in the year 1946 and is based in Tokyo, Japan. The company was founded by two Japanese businessman, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita.
History Of Sony India
In India, Sony commenced its operations in November 1994 with headquarters in New Delhi and has many service centers all over the country for the easiness of the customers. From then Sony India is engaged in distribution and retailing of Sony Products to consumer and professional markets across the country. The company offers a vast array of consumer electronic and information technology products under the several brand names such as Headphones, Sony hi-fi, PlayStation, BRAVIA, Cyber-shot, Xperia, Handycam, Memory stick, Xplod and Alpha. The company's main products include smartphones, televisions, tablets, laptops, projectors, computer and peripherals, car audio systems, cameras, home audio and video products, accessories, home theater systems, storage media and batteries.
Social Media Web Portal Links of Sony India
Sony India Facebook Page Profile Link
Sony India Twitter Account Profile Link