Contact Sony Home Theater
For your convenience to contact Sony Home Theater We have provided all possible information of Sony Home Theater. You can contact Sony Home Theater on the given phone number 1800-103-7799. To know the address location of Sony Home Theater it is also presented here 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan. Contact them by sending email to Sony Home Theater you will find an email address here . To know more about Sony Home Theater, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Sony Home Theater is Associated With and Known as:
Sony Home Theater is also known as Sony Corporation which was developed in the year of 1946 under its parent company Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation. In the year of 1947 Sony Corporation developed their first mega phone and after two years of the megaphone development, Sony Corporation publish their first magnetic prototype recorder in the market. Sony Corporation inaugurated their first Japanese G Type recorder in 1950. In the year of 1954, Sony Corporation developed their first transistor made up of Alloy and its conductors.
In September 1955, Sony emerged their first transistor radio named TR 55. In 1960, Sony Corporation was collaborated in USA and in the same the company started their branches on the overseas of Zurish in Switzerland. In 1963, Sony Corporation launched their compact transistor with PV 100 in Japan. Sony Corporation in 1965 annouced the development of first stereo amplifier TA 1120 which was made up of silicon.
Sony Home Theater is a dealing company of Sony Electronics and accessories. The products of Sony Home Theater are of best quality and are certified by the dealing authorities. Sony Home Theater products can be purchased on their authorized stores, dealing retailers, shops, etc. The customers can also order their products online services of Sony Home Theater company.
Products Of Sony Home Theater
1. Sony Home Theater offers different Sony branded televisions with their projecting accessories.
2. Sony Home Theater also offers various ranges of cameras for all types of uses like photographing, shootings, etc.
3. Sony Home Theater provides music systems, tablets, computers, laptops, etc.
Social Media Networking link Of Sony Home Theater
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