Contact Socalgas USA Contact
For your convenience to contact Socalgas USA Contact We have provided all possible information of Socalgas USA Contact. You can contact Socalgas USA Contact on the given phone number +1 213-244-1200. To know the address location of Socalgas USA Contact it is also presented here 555 W 5th Street, Los Angeles, California 90013, United States. Contact them by sending email to Socalgas USA Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Socalgas USA Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Socalgas USA Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Southern California Gas Company is simply known as Socalgas that is the natural gas utility company and mainly serves customers in Southern California. The corporate head-office of the company is located in Los Angeles, California, United States. It has a Nationwide network to provide its services to around 20.8 million consumers via 5.6 million meters in over 500 communities. The company is owned by San Diego based Sempra Energy that is listed on New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SRE.
Home and Business Customers
The company distributes its natural gas services to home and business purpose in different areas. Generally, it serves small and medium businesses, commercial businesses, agriculture, industrial and manufacturing businesses and many more. The variety of energy saving programs are also provided for the business customers which include, Rebates, Incentives, Continuous Energy Improvement Program (CEI) and others. The company also offers many resources for the home customers to save energy and billing payments through, Rebates, Save Money Wizard, Personalized Energy Savings Tools, Solar Water Heating and more.
Safety and Customer Service
SoCalGas also helps the customers in emergency situations or solve the queries regarding gas service by calling at 1-800-427-2200. The company also provides Digging Safety and Pipeline Safety to prevent from damages. The Customer Service Department is also available to accept the customers request regarding start or stop service, transfer service and more.