Simon Fraser University Burnaby Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Simon Fraser University is well known as the SFU, and it is public university specialized in research education which offers degrees and post degrees in various fields like Psychology, sociology, statistics and operational research and others. The university was came into existence in the year 1965, and its main campus is spread in an around area of 1.7 km. The University is affiliated to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), Canada West Universities Athletic Association (CWUAA) and more. The University has approximately 30,035 undergraduates and 5,363 postgraduate students.
Mailing Address of Simon Fraser University Burnaby
The customers of the Burnaby can visit on the below mentioned address of the Simon Fraser University Burnaby in order to get further information regarding the services and others of the University:
W.A.C. Bennett Library
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
Contacts of Library Burnaby
The students can contact on the below mentioned contact numbers/Email of the University in order to get additional information regarding the books and other facilities of the library:
libcirc@sfu.caFor book borrowing, overdues, fines, reserves:
778.782.4345 For Library Hours:
778.782.4351 Contact for Disabled student assistance
The disable students can contact on the below given contact details for their assistance in any case includes as:
778.782.5596Contact For Telebook (Distance education students)
The students who are studying through the distance scheme of the University can contact on the recommended number or email of the University which includes as:
1.866.277.9675 (within BC)Contact for Media Bookings
The media booking services of the University can be made on the below mentioned contacts of the University as:
778.782.3116Contacts of Student Services
778.782.6930Prospective/undergraduate students:
reginfo@sfu.caGraduate students:
gradstudies@sfu.caContact Staff Management of Simon Fraser University Burnaby
1. Dean of Library Services and University Librarian
Gwen Bird
gbird@sfu.ca2. Executive Director, BC ELN
Anita Cocchia
anitac@eln.bc.ca3. Associate University Librarian - Administrative Services
Natalie Gick
ngick@sfu.ca4. Head, Access Services Division (Loans)
Scott Mackenzie