Service Canada Cambridge Ontario is Associated With and Known as:
Service Canada is the social program office that is operated by the Government of Canada. It provides several services such as wage earner protection programs, old Age security plans, social insurance, occupational health and safety, Canada pension plan, universal child care benefit, employment insurance, retirement pension etc. It provides the financial assistance for the veterans. The company provides allowances to the seniors that includes pension plans, old age security and retirement pension etc. The services which are provided by the agency generally related with housing, employment, legal assistance, income assistance and travel assistance etc. It has highly trained team and professional staff members that provides the online facility to the customers through its official website Service Canada is responsible for providing Benefits to the senior citizen, disable people, youth, students, children and families. It also provides a wide range of government of Canada programs, information and transaction services.
Online Services Offered By Service Canada Cambridge Ontario
Service Canada Cambridge Ontario is dedicated to render excellent online services to their customers. The services are very beneficial and useful for every consumers and saves much time. The online services offered by Service Canada Cambridge Ontario includes:
- My Service Canada Account
- Internet Reporting Service
- Application For Employment Insurance benefits online
- Apply for the Canada Pension Plan retirement pension
- Apply for Old Age Security Pension
Mailing Address Of Service Canada Cambridge Ontario
To interact with the officials in order to get help about
Service Canada Cambridge Ontario services, customers can visit at the given address:
350 Conestoga Blvd c2,
Cambridge, Ontario N1R 7L7, Canada
Contact Details Of Service Canada Cambridge Ontario
For information about
Service Canada Cambridge Ontario, customers can contact to the officials by following the given contacts:
Direct Phone ServicesTelephone:
1 800 277-9914 (CPP/OAS)
1 866 556-5518 (Employers Hiring Foreign Workers)
1 800 206-7218 (Telephone Information Service (Employment Insurance))
Direct TTY ServicesTelephone:
1 800 529-3742 (Employment Insurance Program)
1 800 255-4786 (Income Security Program)
1 855 881-9874 (Record of Employment - Services for Employers)
Service Hours At Service Canada Cambridge Ontario
For information regarding services contact to officials during the given hours:
Monday to Friday, from 08:30AM to 04:00PM