Contact Saregama
For your convenience to contact Saregama We have provided all possible information of Saregama. You can contact Saregama on the given phone number +91-033-25512984/25512517. To know the address location of Saregama it is also presented here 33, Jessore Road, Kolkata- 700028, West Bengal, India. Contact them by sending email to Saregama you will find an email address here . To know more about Saregama, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Saregama, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Saregama is Associated With and Known as:
Saregama India Limited is an Indian music recording company which came into existence on 13 August 1946 as "The Gramophone Company" but later on 3 November 2000 it was changed in the current name. The company generally offers Music Cassettes, Television-Software, Feature-Films, Compact Disc, VCDs and DVDs. It is a subsidiary of RPG Group a multi business company like power and natural resources, infrastructure, carbon black, retail, media and entertainment. The music company Saregama launches musical albums, songs and other musical creations in 27 lanugauges of India. Saregama's other branches are situated in other Three metro cities of India namely Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. The company has two worldwide subsidiary namely RPG Global Music and Saregama Plc which covers worldwide areas. Saregama Plc covers United Kingdom, United States, Europe, Canada, South Africa and the Caribbean Islands while RPG Global Music serves South East Asia, Middle East, New Zealand and Australia.
Saregama - Correspondence Assistance
Saregama offers tireless assistance to the customers, paying attention to the concerns and queries, and offering immediate means for the addressal. To get in touch with
Saregama, esteemed customers are requested to follow given link - FAQ
Saregama aims to facilitate the needs of customers in every possible manner, ensuring utter customer satisfaction. To get rid of minimal commotions, customers of the undertaking are requested to follow given link