Contact Samsung Riyadh Contact
For your convenience to contact Samsung Riyadh Contact We have provided all possible information of Samsung Riyadh Contact. You can contact Samsung Riyadh Contact on the given phone number +966 -1-462-7641, +966- 920-021-230, 920009977, 920011766. To know the address location of Samsung Riyadh Contact it is also presented here AL-MASHAL BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, OFFICE #2, KING FADH ROAD, BLOCK NO. 425, RIYADH 11557, SAUDI ARABIA. Contact them by sending email to Samsung Riyadh Contact you will find an email address here To know more about Samsung Riyadh Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Samsung Riyadh Contact, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Samsung Riyadh Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Samsung Riyadh is one of the locations of Samsung Group which is a worldwide conglomerate company based in South Korea. Samsung Group operates its business in several fields including Electronics, Life Insurance, Fire & Marine Insurance, Heavy Industries, C&T, SDS and Techwin. It was founded in 1938 by Lee Byung-chul in Daegu, South Korea. Samsung is famously known for electronics and information technology business. The Head office of the company is located in Suwon, South Korea.
Samsung offers a wide range of electronic products includes Smart Phones, Tablets, Television, DVD players, Home Theater system, Audio Devices, Cameras, Camcorders, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Laser Fax, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner, Vacuum Cleaner and Dishwashers. It also offers support services and solutions of each product. It provides 24 hours Customer Support services.
Addresses Of Samsung Service Centers In Riyadh
Jamal Al Jassim Electronics Address:Riyadh-PC net opp. Of Holyday Inn
966-1-4652641Al Jarir Book Store Address:Panorama Showroom: Panorama Mall, Takassusi Streen, Riyadh
920000089Al-Haddad Telecom Address: HC3 Riyadh Naseem, Sharg Mall, Al-Naseem, Riyadh
920009977Axiom Telecom Address: Agent House, Olaya Street, Near Souk Al Owais Opposite Al Haraam, Riyadh
(966) 12082215BDL Address:King Saud St., Behind Salhiah Computer Building
00966 11 4601 717El Ajou Address: Prince Thamer St., Imam Shafie Road, Hai Al-Malaz, University st.
920001020Mashail Al Khaleej Address: Khurais Road In Front Of King Fahad Medical City
920019966SHASTECH Address:Riyadh-oroba ST
920007427Ahmed Abdul Wahed Address: Dabbab St. in front of Interior Affairs