Contact Republic Waste
For your convenience to contact Republic Waste We have provided all possible information of Republic Waste. You can contact Republic Waste on the given phone number 855-667-9621. To know the address location of Republic Waste it is also presented here Phoenix, Arizona, United States. Contact them by sending email to Republic Waste you will find an email address here . To know more about Republic Waste, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Republic Waste, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Republic Waste is Associated With and Known as:
Republic Services, Inc is one of the leading Waste Management companies in United States. It was the third largest company of the industry till 2008. Then it became second biggest waste management company after acquiring Allied Waste Industries. Originally the company has established head office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and moved it to Phoenix, Arizona in 2008. The company serves more than 10,000,000 customers including both the residents as well as commercial customers. It serves in forty states.
Republic Waste Services
Republic Services manages the half garbage of the United States. It has completed wide range of projects across the country including 13 Medium Btu plants that provide LFG to industrial users and 3 Leachate evaporators. Republic Services, Inc has more than thirty thousand employees and has total assets of US$ 19.617 billion. It is operator of the largest landfill (2,200 acres) throughout the country. Republic Services has more than 240 Transfer stations and 86 Recycling plants. It has initiated many Renewable Energy Projects includes Landfill Gas, Natural Gas Vehicle Fleet, Solar Energy, Electric Generating Plants, Leachate Evaporators, Medium & High Btu plants. It also offers online service to its customers by which customer can pay bill online through its official website
Headquarters of Republic Waste
The corporate office of the company is situated in Phoenix, AZ.
Republic Waste Customer Service Number
855-667-9621, The company's contact number are available in order to provide information about the services provided by the company.
Republic Waste Official Website: To check latest services of the company, customer can visit Official website.
h3>Republic Waste Social Media Network
Facebook Republic Waste: Republic Waste: can subscribe to social media website for latest offers and updates about the company.