Contact Rawal China Chopstix Bradford
For your convenience to contact Rawal China Chopstix Bradford We have provided all possible information of Rawal China Chopstix Bradford. You can contact Rawal China Chopstix Bradford on the given phone number +44 1274 305725. To know the address location of Rawal China Chopstix Bradford it is also presented here 250 Barkerend Rd, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD3 9DB, United Kingdom. Contact them by sending email to Rawal China Chopstix Bradford you will find an email address here . To know more about Rawal China Chopstix Bradford, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Rawal China Chopstix Bradford, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Rawal China Chopstix Bradford is Associated With and Known as:
Rawal China Chopstix in Bradford is a Chinese restaurant that provides various food services to the Citizens of the state. The core values of the restaurant mainly depends up on Three factors i.e. Quality, Delivery Time and Service. Rawal China Chopstix offers various types of food services and products to the people such as Beverages, Soups, Curry dishes, Sweet and sour dishes, Green pepper dishes, Crispy dishes, Chop suey dishes, Mushroom dishes, Bamboo and chestnut, Pineapple dishes, Hot and garlic dishes, Tomato dishes etc. The main Aim of the restaurant is to provide better quality of food services to the customers.
Services of the Rawal China Chopstix Bradford restaurant
- Rawal Restaurant – Sizzling Palate
- Rawal Kebab House
- Rawal Indulge – Desserts
- Rawal China Chopstix/li>
Other Addresses of the Rawal China Chopstix
For Rawal Restaurant3 Wilton Street, Bradford
01274 720030
For Rawal Kabab House254A Barkerend Road, Bradford
01274 727070
For Rawal China Chopstix250 Barkerend Road, Bradford
01274 305725
Social Media Networking Link of the Rawal China Chopstix
Facebook Site of the Rawal China Chopstix