PSE and G is Associated With and Known as:
PSE and G or Public Service Enterprise Group is an Energy company in the United States. The Company provides both the electricity and gas service to the residents of New Jersey and neighboring areas. Pseg has total workforce of more than 12,000 employees. The Company has four subsidiaries including PSEG Power and PSEG Energy Holdings. It is recognized among the largest energy providers throughout the country.
PSE & G Formation and Operations
PSE&G has started the operations in 1903. Initially, the company was known as
Public Service Corporation of New Jersey. It operated with this name for many years and then changed to
Public Service Electric and Gas Company. PSEG had generated total Revenue of US$ 9.968 billion and operating income of US$ 2.299 billion in the financial year of 2013. Then, the company has total assets of US$ 32.522 billion with total equity of US$ 11.609 billion. The Company serves the customer in approximately 6,700 square kilometer of area. It has main customer base in Bergen and Gloucester Counties. PSEG serves approximately 2,200,000 electric customers and 1,800,000 gas customers.
PSEG is rewarded with numerous awards like of
ReliabilityOne Award and
Employer of the Year Award. These Awards are given by various associations, magazines and rating companies.
PSE&G Other Customer Service Number:
1-800-880-7734 number can be used by the customers in case of Emergency.
Presence of PSE&G on the Social Media Websites:
PSE&G operates official accounts on all the leading social media websites. We help you to reach its accounts through the links.
PSE&G Facebook Account Link:
PSE&G Twitter Account Link:
PSE&G LinkedIn Account Link:
PSE&G Flickr Account Link:
PSE&G YouTube Channel Account Link:
Addition to these, you can find various contact numbers for different service on the official website of PSE&G. You can find this on the following webpage: