Contact Promethean Planet
For your convenience to contact Promethean Planet We have provided all possible information of Promethean Planet. You can contact Promethean Planet on the given phone number +44(0) 1254 298598. To know the address location of Promethean Planet it is also presented here Lower Philips Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 5TH, U.K.. Contact them by sending email to Promethean Planet you will find an email address here To know more about Promethean Planet, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Promethean Planet, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Promethean Planet is Associated With and Known as:
Promethean Planet is a provider of education solutions headquartered in Blackburn, Lancashire, United Kingdom.
Promethean have almost Ten offices in the whole world and has a record of Two million individuals in more than 500,000 classrooms in One Hundred nations. The Promethean produces unique solutions that runs in market sectors, traditional education, business and government. The Promethean produces a number of products that are accepted at world wide. The Planet is continuously focusing on enhancing the knowledge sources ans skills at global level. The Planet works on the way of engaging minds and sharpen the ideas by making industry attractive solutions that instructs about the method of teaching and collaboration. Promethean Planet offers administrators, Educators and Policy makers that develops and assists the skills of the learners. Promethean trusts in learning by making the modern classrooms technological that increases and develops learning, capacity and achievements of the learners.
Products Of Promethean Planet
The Planet provides interactive table that have a touch impressive screen. Mobile learning in classroom are also offered by the Planet and Interactive Whiteboard Systems to increase the attraction of the lesson are also given by the Planet. Assessment and Student Response, Classroom Software, Digital Content, Visual Presenter and Document Camera are offered by the Promethean Planet.
Social Media Links of Promethean Planet
Facebook Link Of Promethean Planet Is
PinTerest Link Of Promethean Planet Is
Twitter Link Of Promethean Planet Is
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Calling Promethean Planet:
At the first step When you call to Promethean Planet please do not forget to tell them that you have found their contact number on
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