Contact Pizza Pizza Regina
For your convenience to contact Pizza Pizza Regina We have provided all possible information of Pizza Pizza Regina. You can contact Pizza Pizza Regina on the given phone number +1-306-551-1111. To know the address location of Pizza Pizza Regina it is also presented here 3806 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 3R1, Canada. Contact them by sending email to Pizza Pizza Regina you will find an email address here . To know more about Pizza Pizza Regina, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Pizza Pizza Regina, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Pizza Pizza Regina is Associated With and Known as:
Since the establishment of the Canadian Pizza fast food restaurant named as “Pizza Pizza” in the year of 1967, it is engaged in offering offers distinct styles of pizza services to the people. It is the multinational string of fast food restaurant that was started under the guidance of “Michael Overs” with its administrative office is located in 500 Kipling Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The restaurant is mainly famous for its various dishes such as pasta, Pasta Di Pizza Pizza, Italian Sandwiches and Panzerottis, fries and rings, sweet treats, bread basket, soft drinks, Pizza Polo, Veggie, Roasted Parma, White Pizzas, Pesto Pizzas, Wings and many more. It regulates its divisions in more than 125 locations in Canada to serve the needs of millions of customers. The people can also book their food orders on-line from its official web site.
Store Locator Link of Pizza Pizza Regina
Playtex UK has different store locations at different places, the customers can track the nearest store location by going through the official store locator link of Pizza Pizza Regina: App of Pizza Pizza Regina
Pizza Pizza Regina officials have made available a mobile app for its users so that users can check various types of details regarding Pizza Pizza Regina any time anywhere. The App can be downloaded from App Store or from other sources. Here we are providing you a direct link that will take you to the Mobile App Page of Pizza Pizza Regina Website. of Pizza Pizza Regina on the Social Media Websites
Customers can also follow the company on the social media platform. The Company regularly updates the accounts on the social media website. You can reach to the official accounts of the company through the following links.
Direct Link of Official Account of Pizza Pizza Regina on Facebook
Direct Link of Official Account of Pizza Pizza Regina on Twitter