Pergo is Associated With and Known as:
Pergo is the largest leading company in the area of manufacturing, floor tiles, wooden tiles and laminated tiles. The company is giving the services of flooring tiles to the customers. Now Pergo has become the largest laminated tile manufacturing company in the US. The concept of laminating tiles growing day by day in the field of tiles. The main advantages of laminated tiles are easy to install, less costing and durable. Pergo provides his services over the entire world like India, France, Italia, Nederland, Sverige, United Kingdom and United States.
Corporate Office Address of Pergo:
Batalionów Chlopskich 14, 83-000, Pruszcz Gdanski, Polska, Poland
The above given is the corporate office address of Pergo. This is the address of Poland. You can visit the office for any inquiry.
Customer Service Number of Pergo:
458 7732640 This is the customer service number of Pergo. You can call to above given number related to prices of the flooring tiles, Quotations and general inquiries related to product.
Mailing Address of Pergo: The above mail-id is given is the mailing address of Pergo. You can mail for any assistance related to Pergo products.
Official Webpage of Pergo
www.pergo.plThe Above given link is the official webpage of Pergo. For more information you can visit the official webpage.
Important Links Of Pergo
Pergo store Locations: you are interested to Buy Pergo products, you can find the nearest location by clicking on the above link. Here you can find the nearest location of store.
Pergo Products:
If you are interested to buy online flooring tiles, laminated tiles of Pergo, you can click above given link.
Pergo Warranty and products information: your assistance we are proving the direct link of warranty and product cleaning process. By clicking on the above link you can easily find the cleaning process of the tiles and the warranty policies of the products set by the company.
www.unilincareers.comIf you are interested to work with Pergo, you can apply online by clicking on the above given link. Pergo have multiple job opportunities for various positions like sales, managerial profile and technical level jobs.