Contact Penteledata
For your convenience to contact Penteledata We have provided all possible information of Penteledata. You can contact Penteledata on the given phone number +1.800.281.3564, Fax: 1.610.826.2751. To know the address location of Penteledata it is also presented here 540 Delaware Avenue, PO BOX 197 Palmerton, PA 18071, United States. Contact them by sending email to Penteledata you will find an email address here To know more about Penteledata, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Penteledata, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Penteledata is Associated With and Known as:
PenTeleData is an internet service provider in the United States that offers several communication services like voice services such as Mobile phone, fixed line, video, data and internet services. The company uses fiber optic cables in its network for providing internet services that spread upon a large area covering over 9,000 miles of fiber optics. The company came into existence in the year 1994 and has been in contract with many local cable and telephone companies to provide the above services. Some of them are Service Electric Broadband Cable, Service Electric Cablevision, Blue Ridge Communications, Ironton Telephone, Service Electric Cable TV and Communications. Because of the use of fiber optics in providing internet services the network is reliable and chances of failure are Very low. The company's clients include many companies from different fields such as education, banking, healthcare, retail sales and governmental offices. The company runs a 24 hours operational customer care center which provides any kind of support services related to company's services.
Penteledata - Consumer Assistance
Being ranked among the most recognized internet service provider across the region,
Penteledata aims to provide hassle free assistance to the customers, addressing their queries and concerns with effective mediums. To get in touch with
Penteledata, esteemed customers are advised to employ given means
- Address - 540 Delaware Avenue, PO BOX 197 Palmerton, PA 18071
- Telephone: 1.800.281.3564
- Fax: 1.610.826.2751
- Email:
Penteledata - Residential Alternatives
To explore the wide range of domestic alternatives offered by
Penteledata, given link may be used - Business Alternatives
For a better view of the alternatives offered to meet the business requirements, customers may adhere to given link - News Updates
To stay updated with the latest happenings at
Penteledata, visit given link