Contact Pentair Pool
For your convenience to contact Pentair Pool We have provided all possible information of Pentair Pool. You can contact Pentair Pool on the given phone number +44 1695 554800. To know the address location of Pentair Pool it is also presented here Moss Lane View Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 9TN United Kingdom. Contact them by sending email to Pentair Pool you will find an email address here . To know more about Pentair Pool, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Pentair Pool, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Pentair Pool is Associated With and Known as:
Pentair Pool is a privat type of industry initiated on 6th July 1966. Pentair Pool is the worlds outstanding producers of the pool products and accessories. The services of the Pentair Pool are related with water, Energy and food. In late 2001 the company's wood working products won award Due to their uniqueness and performance. Pentair Pool is manufacturing more products like valves, Sanitation related products pumps and much more categories.
Pentair Pool having two main head offices in United States of America
10951 W. Los Angeles Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021
Dialing number 800.831.7133
FAX number 800.284.4151
North California
1620 Hawkins Avenue
Sanford, NC 27330
Dialing number 800.831.7133
FAX number 800.284.4151
Products of the Pentair Pool
Pentair Pool is producing a number of the product categories and each category is full of same category products like
Cleaners1. Pressure side cleaners
2. Robotic cleaners
Filters1. Filter kits
2. Cartridge filters
3. Sand Filters
Pumps1. Above ground useable water pumps
2. Underground usable water pumps
3. Pumping Accessories
4. Special Pumps.
Valves1. High Flow Valves
2. Slide Valves
3. MultiPort Valves
4. Different Size Valves.
The company is offering a wide range of the products related with the swimming pool and some of them have been mentioned and listed below:
1. Pool Lights
2. Pool Filters
3. Pool electronic cleaning products.
Pentair Pool on Social Media Platform
Pentair Pool having a dominant place on the social networking media.
The Link To visit Pentair Pool on The Facebook:
The Link To visit Pentair Pool on The Twitter: