Pearson Vue is Associated With and Known as:
Pearson VUE is a education service industry that deals in academic admissions, licensure, certification, regulatory, and government testing service. The industry having over 5,000 test centers in 175 countries. Bridget Herd is Vice President (Program Management), Corey Hoesley is Vice President (Global Operations), Michael Hussey is Vice President (Business Development), Doug Kennedy is Senior Vice President (Finance and Chief Financial Officer), Ron Lancaster is Vice Presiden(Technology), Steve Nordberg is Chief Technologist and Senior Vice President (Products and Services), Robert Whelan is President and Chief Executive Officer. The industry having office in different location such as United Kingdom, United States, Dubai, India, Japan and China. Pearson Vue commenced its operations for the first time in 1997.
Contact Number for Pearson Vue Americas Region
Phone: 866-294-1616 / +1-952-905-7027
Contact Number for Pearson Vue Asia Pacific Region
Phone: 1800-023-095 / +852 3077 4923 / 0008004401837
Contact Number for Pearson Vue Europe Middle East Africa Region
Phone: 0800-909153 / 0800-1810696 / 800-790521
Contact us Pager of Pearson Vue
From the contact us page of the company the customers can choose a required option to contact the company officials. The link that will directly take you to the official contact us page of Pearson Vue is mentioned below: Opportunities offered by Pearson Vue
Besides offering these important products, Pearson Vue is also offering jobs for the interested candidates. For this the candidates have to check their joining eligibility, more of the info can be achieved from the career page of Pearson Vue's Website. A link that will directly take you to the official page of the company is: of Pearson Vue on the Social Media Websites
Customers can also follow the company on the social media platform. The Company regularly updates the accounts on the social media website. You can reach to the official accounts of the company through the following links.
Direct Link of Official Account of Pearson Vue on Facebook
Direct Link of Official Account of Pearson Vue on Twitter
Direct Link of Official Account of Pearson Vue on LinkedIn