New York Statewide School Health Service Center Phone Number New York Statewide School Health Service Center Contact Number New York Statewide School Health Service Center Toll free number New York Statewide School Health Service Center Email Address New York Statewide School Health Service Center Customer Service Phone Number

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Contact New York Statewide School Health Service Center

For your convenience to contact New York Statewide School Health Service Center We have provided all possible information of New York Statewide School Health Service Center. You can contact New York Statewide School Health Service Center on the given phone number +1-585-617-2380. To know the address location of New York Statewide School Health Service Center it is also presented here 160 Wallace Way, Rochester, NY 14624, New York, United States. Contact them by sending email to New York Statewide School Health Service Center you will find an email address here To know more about New York Statewide School Health Service Center, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against New York Statewide School Health Service Center, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.

Visit New York Statewide School Health Service Center on the Given Address:

160 Wallace Way, Rochester, NY 14624, New York, United States

Contact New York Statewide School Health Service Center on the Given Contact Number:

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New York Statewide School Health Service Center is Associated With and Known as:

New York Statewide School Health Service Center (NYSSHSC) is a health training institute which offers technical assistance, resources and training to Nys school health professionals. This center jointly works with student support service which is a team of the Nys Education Department. Its main objective is to provide training to the health professionals of NYS school. Coming to its resources facility, it provides various Journals on nursing and health. The address and contact number of is also used for <strong>New York Statewide financial system</strong>, <strong>New York Statewide test results</strong>, <strong>New York Statewide payroll conference</strong>, <strong>New York Statewide breastfeeding coalition</strong>, <strong>New York Statewide criminal record search</strong>, <strong>New York Statewide senior action council</strong>, <strong>New York Statewide test</strong> and <strong>New York Statewide learning management system</strong>.<br/><br/>Fax Number: (585) 247-7667.<br/><br/></p><br/></div> <div class="rating-otr"> <div class="rating_SC-hdr"><div id="GetUserRatingTitle" class="rating_SC-hdg"><h2>New York Statewide School Health Service Center Contact Calling User Reasoning </h2></div></div> <div class="rating-row"> <div class="rating_SC-label">Articulation:</div> <div id="TrustworthinessDIV" class="rating_SC-label-panl-1"></div> </div> <div class="rating-row"> <div class="rating_SC-label"> Probity:</div> <div id="ReliabillityDIV" class="rating_SC-label-panl-2"></div> </div> <div class="rating-row"> <div class="rating_SC-label">Delectation:</div> <div id="IntegrityDIV" class="rating_SC-label-panl-3"></div> </div> <div id="UserRatingDivs_SC"> <div class="cl"></div> <div class="rating_SC-hdr"> <div class="rating_SC-hdg mt">Assign Your Ratings</div> </div> <div id="ValidationMsg_SC"> </div> <div class="w100 mb8 ml"> <div class="rating_SC-label"> Articulation:</div> <table id="Trustworthiness" class="radio-label" border="0" style="width:446px;"> <tr> <td><input id="Trustworthiness_0" type="radio" name="Trustworthiness" value="4" /><label for="Trustworthiness_0">Excellent</label></td><td><input id="Trustworthiness_1" type="radio" name="Trustworthiness" value="3" /><label for="Trustworthiness_1">Very Good</label></td><td><input id="Trustworthiness_2" type="radio" name="Trustworthiness" value="2" /><label for="Trustworthiness_2">Good</label></td><td><input id="Trustworthiness_3" type="radio" name="Trustworthiness" value="1" /><label for="Trustworthiness_3">Average</label></td><td><input id="Trustworthiness_4" type="radio" name="Trustworthiness" value="-4" /><label for="Trustworthiness_4">Poor</label></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="w100 mb8 ml"> <div class="rating_SC-label"> Probity:</div> <table id="Propitious" class="radio-label" border="0" style="width:446px;"> <tr> <td><input id="Propitious_0" type="radio" name="Propitious" value="4" /><label for="Propitious_0">Excellent</label></td><td><input id="Propitious_1" type="radio" name="Propitious" value="3" /><label for="Propitious_1">Very Good</label></td><td><input id="Propitious_2" type="radio" name="Propitious" value="2" /><label for="Propitious_2">Good</label></td><td><input id="Propitious_3" type="radio" name="Propitious" value="1" /><label for="Propitious_3">Average</label></td><td><input id="Propitious_4" type="radio" name="Propitious" value="-4" /><label for="Propitious_4">Poor</label></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="w100 mb8 ml"> <div class="rating_SC-label"> Delectation:</div> <table id="Integrity" class="radio-label" border="0" style="width:446px;"> <tr> <td><input id="Integrity_0" type="radio" name="Integrity" value="4" /><label for="Integrity_0">Excellent</label></td><td><input id="Integrity_1" type="radio" name="Integrity" value="3" /><label for="Integrity_1">Very Good</label></td><td><input id="Integrity_2" type="radio" name="Integrity" value="2" /><label for="Integrity_2">Good</label></td><td><input id="Integrity_3" type="radio" name="Integrity" value="1" /><label for="Integrity_3">Average</label></td><td><input id="Integrity_4" type="radio" name="Integrity" value="-4" /><label for="Integrity_4">Poor</label></td> </tr> </table> </div> <input type="submit" name="Post_Ratings" value="Submit" id="Post_Ratings" class="cont-Rv-butn" /> </div> </div> <div id="Div_DynamicBottom" class="w100 fl"><div class="w100 fl mb10 mt10"><script async src=""></script><ins class="adsbygoogle"style="display:block"data-ad-client="ca-pub-8561448623485741"data-ad-slot="9057413718"data-ad-format="link"data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div><br/><br>Sponsered Ads<br><script>medianet_width = "600";medianet_height = "250";medianet_crid = "315561764";medianet_versionId = "111299";(function() { var isSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; var mnSrc = (isSSL ? 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