Contact Mobily Riyadh
For your convenience to contact Mobily Riyadh We have provided all possible information of Mobily Riyadh. You can contact Mobily Riyadh on the given phone number +966 (56) 010-1100. To know the address location of Mobily Riyadh it is also presented here PO Box: 9979, Riyadh 11423 Saudi Arabia. Contact them by sending email to Mobily Riyadh you will find an email address here To know more about Mobily Riyadh, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Mobily Riyadh is Associated With and Known as:
Mobility Riyadh is the branch of Etihad Etisalat commonly known as Mobility in Saudi Arabia, which is a public telecommunication service provider company. It was founded in the year 2004 under the guidance of Etisalat. Mobility is product name of the company, renowned as the 2nd phone solution provider in Saudi Arabia. The headquarters of the company is situated in Saudi Arabia. The portfolio of the company consists of several different services such as fixed, telephony, data and Mobile telecom service.
History and Description
The proud 25 Years telecommunication business was backed up by a bought of a 3G authorization. It is the 1st communications enterprise in the country to obtain a working authorization of 3g services and it’s above. The company was outlined on Tadawul Stock Exchange in December 2004 and has more than 40% mobile users across the country. It had obtained authorization for the data service provider in March 2008 by CITC. It shares the vast fiber network of about 13000 km across the 35 cities in the country. The company is regarded as the winner of the bid for second GSM license for Saudi Arabia as of 2004. The 3.5G service was introduced by the company on 27th of June, 2006 and five year later, it was on 13th of September, 2011 that the company introduces the 4G service. It is regarded as the fastest growing mobility as of 2004 in North Africa and Middle East by GSM Associations. In the Gulf Region, the first business model of the telecommunication franchise was introduced by the company as of 2004. The total count of the subscribers of the company as of as of 2006 was approximately 4,800,000. The company had over 0.5 million subscribers of 3G as of 20th of January, 2007.
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Calling Mobily Riyadh:
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