Ml is Associated With and Known as:
Merrill Lynch formerly known as Merrill Lynch and Co., Inc., is one of the divisions of a global banking company, Bank of America. It specializes in wealth management, business solutions, investment services, real estate planning etc. The company operates worldwide with headquarters in New York City, United States. An American weekly newspaper, Barron's ranked the company among the Top 1000 Advisers list in 2009. The company was established in the year 1914. It carried the name of its founders, Charles E. Merrill and Edmund C. Lynch. In 1915, the company was renamed as the Merrill, Lynch and Co.
Contacts of ML
The customers can visit the service centers of
ML, which are located at the below mentioned addresses as:
New YorkGlobal Wealth Management
2 World Financial Center
225 Liberty Street, 41st Floor
New York, NY 10281
+1-212-236-2388New YorkGlobal Wealth Management
Citicorp Building
153 East 53rd Street, 46th Floor
New York, NY 10022
+1-646-805-1459Current Clients:
1.800.637.7455Become a Client:
1.866.706.8321Benefits Online:
1.866.820.1492Global Offices of ML
The main global offices of
ML through customers can enjoy the services. The users can visit the nearest service center on the below mentioned addresses including as:
Buenos AiresGlobal Banking and Markets
Merrill Lynch Argentina S.A.
Merrill Lynch Valores S.A. Sociedad de Bolsa
Della Paolera 265 Piso 11
C1001ABA -
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A)
Buenos Aires,
+54-11-4317-7623MelbourneMerrill Lynch (Australia) Pty Limited
Level 19, 120 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
+61-3-9659-2701MiamiGlobal Wealth Management
Regional Headquarters for Latin America
701 Brickell Ave
11th Floor
Miami, FL 33131
+305-530-3602ParisGlobal Banking and Markets
112 avenue Kléber
2nd Floor
BP 2002-16
Paris, 75116