Contact Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh
For your convenience to contact Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh We have provided all possible information of Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh. You can contact Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh on the given phone number 90349 40040. To know the address location of Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh it is also presented here Village Laddo, Post Box Sultanpur, Tehsil and Distt Solan, Himachal Pardesh, India. Contact them by sending email to Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh you will find an email address here To know more about Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh is Associated With and Known as:
Manav Bharti University was established in 2009. Manav Bharti University provide guidelines, teaching and training in college programs. Manav Bharti University provides an probability to recognize student’s goals of becoming one of the best experts devoted to the relief of sufferings of humankind and the growth of the country.Manav Bharti University aims to inform and develop the unexploited skills of youngsters needed for the powerful and extremely aggressive world.Manav Bharti University is one of its own kind in Northern Indian and positioned for a huge jump in development of professional knowledge in non-urban area. Manav Bharti University is a govt identified School with the right to consult levels as per the segments 2f and 22(1) of the UGC Act, 1956. Manav Bharti University was founded by Dr Raj Kumar Rana in 1956. The same customer care number of Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh listed above is also used for Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh Fake, Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh result 2012, Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh fee structure, Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh result 2013, Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh result 2014, Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh distance education, Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh result 2011 and Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh Aicte approved.
Contact Details Of Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh
In order to get satisfactory answers of the questions, queries or feedback on any of
Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh services, applicants may reach out - a member of our dedicated team will be happy to help on the below given forms of connection:
University Address:Manav Bharti University
Village - Laddo,
P.O.- Sultanpur (Kumhar Hatti),
Tehsil & Distt.: Solan - 173229
Himachal Pradesh
Email ID: Important Contact numbers Of Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh
- +91 (1792) 268279
- +91 (1792) 268280
- +91 82560 10055, 82560 10058
- +91 98050 32938
- +91 82650 10051
- +91 82650 10052
- +91 82650 10053
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