Contact Living Social Deals
For your convenience to contact Living Social Deals We have provided all possible information of Living Social Deals. You can contact Living Social Deals on the given phone number 1 (877) 521-4191. To know the address location of Living Social Deals it is also presented here Washington DC.. Contact them by sending email to Living Social Deals you will find an email address here . To know more about Living Social Deals, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Living Social Deals is Associated With and Known as:
Living Social Deals was incorporated as Hungry Machine with the help of four members that were from Revolution Health Group in the year of 2007. Living Social is a market where people can Buy and share lot of different things with others at one place and it is assumed that Living Social has almost 70 million users across the globe. Living Social is a local market with unique and different offers for each day. The company is taking pride to enhance local business to grow large as the Company offers customers different new products and services. Living Social has achieved vast network around the Globe and has reached its platform.
Living Social Applications
During the period of 2007 the company launched its main application namely
Visual Bookshelf Application the basic feature of this application were to share their favourite books on Facebook among their friends. The company also launched various applications that makes the social market Very popular on Facebook and was considered as number one of the biggest application maker on Facebook. The Company developed a website that turned into a biggest earning experiment.
In the year between 2012-2013 the Living Social's website were hacked, and were affecting more than 40 million users around the world. The Company were facing serious problems as they shut down the website for more than two days after the incident.
Living Social Benifits
On 11 June 2011 Living Social achieved a milestone in LetsBonus that is now performed in Spain, Portugal and in Uraguary and later it was established in Barcelona.
Living Social connects customers with discount deals and much more. The Living Social provides online facilities for customers and the customers take Benefits of Living Social services.