Contact Kobo Ereader Contact
For your convenience to contact Kobo Ereader Contact We have provided all possible information of Kobo Ereader Contact. You can contact Kobo Ereader Contact on the given phone number +1-416-977-8737. To know the address location of Kobo Ereader Contact it is also presented here 135 Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario M6K 1A7, Canada. Contact them by sending email to Kobo Ereader Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Kobo Ereader Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Kobo Ereader Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Kobo Incorporation is formerly named as Shortcovers that manufactures eReaders, Reading apps and Tablets for the customers. It has headquarters in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and it sells its products under the Kobo brand name. The Kobo eReader was introduced by the company on 10 May 2010 and later, company launched its different versions in the market.
Company's History
Kobo Incorporation was set up in Toronto, Canada in December 2009 with the efforts of Michael Serbinis. The Japan based company Rakuten Incorporation took possession over the Kobo in January 2012. There are many e-readers released by the company in its history which includes, Kobo eReader Touch on 23 May 2011, Kobo Glo on 6 September 2012, Kobo Aura HD on 17 April 2013, Kobo Aura on 27 August 2013 and many others. On 15 October 2010, the company introduced its Wi-Fi enabled eReader for the customers which is able to read up to 10,000 books with a 32GB SD card. There are many applications produced by the company for Windows, Windows Phone 8, BlackBerry, iOS, and Android processors for reading and buying the books.
Kobo offers
Kobo Incorporation offers e-books and e-readers for the customers and also provides online option to shop its products from its official website. The customers can also download its free Kobo applications and receives access to select title from above 4 million catalog. It also provides the facility to stay updated with Kobo news, deals and events after registering its own account. Its Fax Number is +1-416-977-2889101.