Contact KLM India
For your convenience to contact KLM India We have provided all possible information of KLM India. You can contact KLM India on the given phone number 1800-1800-044, +91-124-2720273. To know the address location of KLM India it is also presented here Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Contact them by sending email to KLM India you will find an email address here . To know more about KLM India, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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KLM India is Associated With and Known as:
KLM India is one of the customer assistance locations of Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V., It is a major airline company based in the Netherlands. The airline provides Cargo and scheduled passenger services. KLM offers flight services to approximately 130 domestic and international destinations worldwide. It is one of the world's oldest airline companies, which was introduced on 7th of October 1919. More than 32,505 employees are working under the KLM airline. The airline main hub is based at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. It also operates Three subsidiaries namely KLM Cityhopper, Martinaira and The corporate management office of KLM airline is situated in Amstelveen, Netherlands.
KLM Profile and Fleets
The merger of KLM with Air France in May 2004 formed the Air France-KLM Group, which is incorporated under French law with headquarters at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport. Both Air France and KLM continue to fly under their distinct brand names as subsidiaries of the group. Air France and KLM are part of the Skyteam alliance, the second largest in the world behind only the Star Alliance. The company’s main business is passenger transportation. Its activities also include cargo, aeronautics maintenance, and other air transport related activities, including principally catering and Charter services. KLM operates a large fleet of more than 115 aircraft that includes Boeing 747-400, Boeing 737-700, Airbus A350-900 and Airbus A330-300, Airbus A330-200, Boeing 747-400M, Boeing 787-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-11, Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing 777-200ER, Boeing 737-800, Boeing 747-400ERF and Boeing 737-900.
Social Media Links to Follow KLM India:
There are many social media platforms to follow KLM India such as:
KLM India Facebook Page Link:
KLM India Twitter Page Link:
KLM India linkedin Page Link: