KC Star is Associated With and Known as:
The Kansas City Star abbreviated as KC Star is an English newspaper that is daily published in Kansas City, Missouri in the United States. The newspaper was initiated as The Kansas City Evening Star on 18th September of 1880 by the hard works of William Rockhill Nelson, and Samuel E. Morss. The newspaper was renamed as the Kansas City (KC) Star in the year of 1885. It is a broadsheet format newspaper and is under the possession of the McClatchy Company. The Kansas City (KC) Star is one of the most readable newspapers in the Kansas state of the United States.
KC Star Circulation, and Coverage
The Kansas City (KC) Star offers local and national news including, headlines, community events, celebrations, arts, weather forecast, business news, jobs, sports, stocks, justice, rentals, editorial, and classified sections to serve a large number of people throughout the United States. According to the information, the newspaper has a weekday and Sunday circulation of nearly 200,365 and 310,487 newspapers respectively. "0745-1067" is a unique eight-digit International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) issued to the Kansas City (KC) Star newspaper.
KC Star Corporate Headquarters:
1729, Grand Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri, MO 64108, United States
KC Star Customer Care Number:
+1-877-962-7827KC Star Official Email Id:
subscriptions@kcstar.comKC Star Official Website:
www.kansascity.comKC Star Social Media Presence:
KC Star Facebook Pagewww.facebook.com/kansascitystar
KC Star Twitter Pagewww.twitter.com/kcstar
KC Star Linkedin Pagewww.linkedin.com/company/the-kansas-city-star
KC Star Tumblr Pagewww.tumblr.com/tagged/kc-star
KC Star Crunchbase Pagewww.crunchbase.com/organization/the-kansas-city-star
KC Star Google Plus Pagewww.plus.google.com/100193167702333884521
KC Star Iconosquare Pagewww.iconosquare.com/tag/kcstar
KC Star Flickrhivemind Pagewww.flickrhivemind.net/Tags/kcstar/Interesting
KC Star YouTube Pagewww.youtube.com/user/KansasCityStarVideo
KC Star Vimeo Pagewww.vimeo.com/tag:kc+star