Contact IRS PTIN
For your convenience to contact IRS PTIN We have provided all possible information of IRS PTIN. You can contact IRS PTIN on the given phone number +1 202-803-9000. To know the address location of IRS PTIN it is also presented here 77 K St NE Washington, DC 20002 United States. Contact them by sending email to IRS PTIN you will find an email address here, To know more about IRS PTIN, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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IRS PTIN is Associated With and Known as:
Internal Revenue Service is shorten known as IRS is based United States Federal Government and is the branch of the organization namely Department of the Treasury. The management plays tremendous role in collecting taxes for the industrial organization as well as form the private and federal governments of the United States. American Civil War was highly benefited form the organization by getting funds form IRS, and IRS provided its early income tax determined in the year 1862, at the rate of 3%, presently Internal Revenue Service accumulates near about $2.4 trillion among near about 234 million tax returns from yearly.
Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)
In addition to this, Ptin is actually description or labeling that all the paid tax return preparers have to use it, the certified authority issues the PTIN number, then after, in rear conditions if there is a need of returning tax in any situations the prepares have to provide the PTIN number to the issuing authority. Besides this the United States authority provides all the essential Benefits to the clients for the motive and ambition is to have a well balance taxation fields.
Some social Media Links Of IRS PTIN
With the help of social media links, it give the platform for the clients to bring them all the essential information about the governmental organization. Besides to this, these social media links provides the information about Events, Updates, Offers, Know about Income Tax, Refunds, Help and Resource, Payments, and all other related information.
LinkedIn link of IRS PTIN
Twitter link of IRS PTIN
Facebook link of IRS PTIN