Idaho Food Stamp Recertification is Associated With and Known as:
The Idaho Food Stamp program is meant for helping the low-income families and needy people in the United States. It is provided by the government Department of Health and Welfare Idaho. They introduce Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP for the people to provide them food benefits. The eligible persons can apply for this program by filling an application form with attached necessary documents.
General Contacts of Idaho Food Stamp Recertification
1. Child Support:
1-800-356-98682. Food stamps, Medicaid, and other Assistance Benefits:
1-877-456-12333. Optum Members:
1-855-202-09734. Report Welfare Fraud:
1-866-635-75155. Report Health Care Fraud:
208-334-57546. Central Revenue Unit:
1-800-726-2952Email Addresses of Idaho Food Stamp Recertification
1. Birth/Marriage/Divorce/Death Certificates:
IVR@dhw.idaho.gov2. Child Welfare:
ProkupekA@dhw.idaho.gov3. Day Care Licensing:
PeoplesM@dhw.idaho.gov4. Child Support: 5. EMS Licensing and Testing:
IdahoEMS@dhw.idaho.gov6. Food Stamps, Medicaid, ICCP, TAFI, Benefits :
MyBenefits@dhw.idaho.gov7. Health Issues:
DPHInquiries@dhw.idaho.govContact Persons of the Idaho Food Stamp Recertification
1. Richard Armstrong(Director):
208-334-55002. Russ Barron(Deputy Director):
208-334-55003. Denise Chuckovich(Deputy Director, Medicaid, Behavioral Health, and Managed Care services: ):
208-334-55004. David Taylor(Deputy Director, Support Services):
208-334-55005. Ross Edmunds(Administrator):
208-334-69976. Gary Moore(Family & Community Services):
208-334-06417. Tamara Prisock(Licensing & Certification:):
208-364-19598. Lisa Hettinger(Medicaid Benefits):
208-334-57479. Elke Shaw-Tulloch(Public Health):
208-334-699610. Paul Spannknebel(Operational Services):
208-334-591211. Tom Shanahan(Manager):