Contact Icici Bank Chandigarh
For your convenience to contact Icici Bank Chandigarh We have provided all possible information of Icici Bank Chandigarh. You can contact Icici Bank Chandigarh on the given phone number +91-172-3366777, 4445500, 1800-102-4242. To know the address location of Icici Bank Chandigarh it is also presented here Sector: 34/A, SCO: 218-219, Chandigarh-160022, U.T., India. Contact them by sending email to Icici Bank Chandigarh you will find an email address here . To know more about Icici Bank Chandigarh, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Icici Bank Chandigarh is Associated With and Known as:
ICICI Bank Chandigarh is one of the branch offices of Icici Bank and is engaged in providing a broad range of banking and financial services in the area of Chandigarh. ICICI Bank was created in 1994 by the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. ICICI having head office situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The bank started its internet banking operation in 1998. ICICI Bank Limited is originally known as the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. The bank together with its subsidiaries, primarily functions in the segments of non-life insurance, investment banking, life insurance, asset management and venture capital. It is the India's quickest growing private sector financial institution.
ICICI Bank Products and Services
ICICI bank many deals in credit cards, consumer banking, corporate banking, finance and insurance, investment banking, mortgage loans and private banking. The bank also provide different type of loan services which includes Home Loans, Loans Against Property, Personal Loans, Car, Two Wheeler Loans, Commercial Vehicle, Loans Against Gold Ornaments, Construction Equipment Loans, Pre-approved Loans, Flexicash Loans and many more.
ICICI Bank Chandigarh Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM, Saturday: 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM and the Sunday closed. The branch IFSC code is: ICIC0001341.