Contact Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram
For your convenience to contact Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram We have provided all possible information of Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram. You can contact Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram on the given phone number +91 044 - 47100000. To know the address location of Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram it is also presented here Irrugattukottai, NH No. 4, Sriperumbudur Taluk, Kanchipuram, District, Tamil Nadu, India. Contact them by sending email to Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram you will find an email address here . To know more about Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Hyundai Motors Kanchipuram is Associated With and Known as:
Hyundai Motor Company is a global automotive company that engages in the designing, manufacturing and world-marketing of automobiles, commercial vehicles and engines. It began its operations on 29 December 1967 by Chung Ju-Yung in South Korea. With the growth of the company, Hyundai became the 4th biggest automaker in the world in terms of vehicle sales annually. It sold more than 4.4 million units across the globe.
Manufacturing Facilities
The manufacturing facilities of Hyundai are located in South Korea, India, the United States, Russia, Turkey and others. Its largest production facility is situated in Ulsan, South Korea which has the production capacity of 1.6 million units per annum. The company sells its vehicles in more than 193 nations worldwide through the network of over 6,000 authorized dealerships and showrooms. Corporate office of the company is located in Seoul, South Korea.
Overseas Subsidiaries and Division
Hyundai Motor Company has a global presence with its subsidiaries in several countries like Hyundai Motor India, Hyundai Motor America, Hyundai Motor Europe, Hyundai Japan, Hyundai China, Beijing Hyundai, Hyundai do Brasil etc. Hyundai Motor India Ltd is one of the flagship subsidiaries of Hyundai Group that was formed in 6 May 1996, headquartered in Tamil Nadu, India. Hyundai Motor India Ltd runs two state-of-the-art production facilities which are located in Sriperumbudur, Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu. On the other hand, Kia Motors Corporation operates as a division of Hyundai Motor Company that manufactures a full range of luxury cars and commercial vehicles.