Hydro One is Associated With and Known as:
Hydro One is one of the largest electricity and an energy utility company in Ontario, Canada. Hydro One started business in the year of 1999 in Toronto. In the initial years, the company was named as the Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontario and in 1974, it changed its name to Ontario Hydro. The company was established under the Business Corporations Act. It is owned by the Government of Ontario.
The core business of the company is transmission and distribution of electricity. The company operates four subsidiaries Hydro One Telecom, Hydro One Networks, Hydro One Brampton and Hydro One Remote Communities. Its head office is located in Toronto, Ontario in Canada. There are 5,811 regular employees working under the company as per the record of 2012.
Customer Service Support offered by Hydro One
Hydro One is well known for their services and products and offer full customer support to their clients and the details regarding their contact addresses are listed below:
Customer Inquiries contact details
The users who have any query regarding their products and services, can contact them at the address mentioned below: ?
Hydro One Networks Inc.P.O. Box 5700,
Markham, ON
L3R 1C8
Billing and Service Inquiries contact details
The users who have any query regarding Billing and Service, can contact them at the phone numbers and their e-mail that are mentioned below:
1-888-664-9376 Fax:
1-888-625-4401 Toll-Free:
CustomerCommunications@hydroone.comEmergency contact detail
The users who have any kind of emergency, can call on the number,
1-800-434-1235 that is available throughout the day.
General Shareholder Inquiries contact detail
The users who have any query regarding Shares, can contact them at the address given below and can also contact through e-mail that is mentioned below: ?
Computershare Trust Company of Canada100 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5J 2Y1
investor.relations@HydroOne.comAnalysts & Institutional Investor Inquiries contact details
The users who have any query regarding Analysts & Institutional Investor services, can contact them at the address given below: ?
Hydro One Investor Relations483 Bay Street, FL7
Toronto, ON M5G 2P5
?Main Customer Service Support Center of Hydro One
The registered users who have any query regarding any of their service and products of Hydro One, can contact them via these sources that are given below:
Through Phone:
1-877-955-1155?Main Switchboard Toronto office:
416-345-5000?Mailing Address? Hydro One Networks Inc.483 Bay Street
South Tower, 8th Floor Reception
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5