Contact Humira
For your convenience to contact Humira We have provided all possible information of Humira. You can contact Humira on the given phone number 1.800.4486472. To know the address location of Humira it is also presented here AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, Illinois, United States. Contact them by sending email to Humira you will find an email address here . To know more about Humira, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Humira is Associated With and Known as:
Humira is an anti-inflammatory drug, produced by AbbVie. Its molecular mass is 144190.3 g/mol. The drug is also known as Adalimumab and is ranked number third among all the selling drugs across the world. Humira controls and stop the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa). TNFa is responsible for autoimmune diseases and by controlling it, the drug directly reduces the chances of autoimmune diseases. However, TNFa is a component of immune system, which protects from the infection. So consumption of the drug also increase the chance of infection as well. The Cost of Humira is $1,662 per month. According to the financial reports of 2012 year, The Drug had generated the total sale of $4.3 billion alone in the United States and the worldwide sale was $9.3 billion. In India, Cadila Healthcare had introduced the 1st biosimilar version of the drug under the name of Exemptia at the end of 2014. Some other similar agents available in the market include Infliximab and Certolizumab pegol.
Humira Formation and its effects on various diseases
Humira is approved for various diseases in the United States including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, ulcerative colitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, etc. The drug gives the similar result to methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis and combination of both the drugs gives two times response than the methotrexate. Humira can't be handled orally as the digestive system can effect the drug significantly. It is the 1st monoclonal antibody medicine that was approved by FDA. The Drug was manufactured from phage display and was come into the existence after the collaboration of Basf Bioresearch Corporation and Cambridge Antibody Technology as D2E7. Till January, 2013, Humira was provided by Abbott and then it was divided into the two companies; these are Abbott and AbbVie. Since then, the drug is provided by AbbVie.
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