Contact Golden Screen Cinema
For your convenience to contact Golden Screen Cinema We have provided all possible information of Golden Screen Cinema. You can contact Golden Screen Cinema on the given phone number +60-603-7806-8888, Fax: (603) 7806-8800. To know the address location of Golden Screen Cinema it is also presented here No.1, Jalan SS22/19, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Contact them by sending email to Golden Screen Cinema you will find an email address here To know more about Golden Screen Cinema, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Golden Screen Cinema, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Golden Screen Cinema is Associated With and Known as:
The Golden Screen Cinemas Sdn. Bhd. (GSC) is a cinema exhibitor and distributor that operates in Malaysia as a sister company of the PPB Group. It is one of the prominent cinema chains processed by PPB Group and runs More Than thirty movie theaters in Malaysia. The organization was setup in 1981 by Koh Mei Lee as Golden Communication Circuit. It drives over 260 screens and owns more than forty thousand seats, which makes it's one of the biggest cinema chains in the country and in above thirty two business districts across the nation.
Golden Screen Cinemas Organizational Background
This company features Gold Class auditorium, lounge and public services and executes both online as well as window Booking services. It is one of the dynamic companies in Southeast Asia that runs IMAX cinemas and provides cinematic viewing of global standards. Apart from that, PPB Group Berhad is an investment holding company operates in consumer products, waste management, properties and investment and many more kind of businesses.
Contact information of Golden Screen Cinemas Sdn. Bhd
customer service helpline number of Golden Screen Cinemas is: +603-7713-7888 and +603-7806-8888. Additionally, for more information the
official fax number is: +603-7806-8800.GSC Contact Support by Email
: get more inquiries about cinema and ticketing and showtimes and movies use this Email ID and for media related queries of Golden Screen Cinemas is:
Website Links of Golden Screen Cinema:
For more details about services of Gsc and for any other business support and to join this company VIA its social connections, you can check out corporate website, Facebook profile and Twitter profile pages.
Corporate Website Golden Screen Cinema: profile Golden Screen Cinema: Profile Golden Screen Cinema: