Contact Frontier Communications USA
For your convenience to contact Frontier Communications USA We have provided all possible information of Frontier Communications USA. You can contact Frontier Communications USA on the given phone number 1(800) 921-8101, 425-771-6244. To know the address location of Frontier Communications USA it is also presented here 3 High Ridge Park Stamford, Connecticut, United States. Contact them by sending email to Frontier Communications USA you will find an email address here . To know more about Frontier Communications USA, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Frontier Communications USA is Associated With and Known as:
Frontier Communications Corporation is the leading telecommunication company that was inaugurated in the year 1935. The former name of the company was Citizens Utilities Company. Later on, the company changed name to Citizens Communications Company and at last got the name as Frontier Communications Corporation in 2008. It is the America's sixth biggest local telephone company. The company has a primary listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol 'FTR'. According to 2011 records, the company had approximately 15,400 employees. Corporate office of the company is located in Stamford, Connecticut, United States. Frontier Communications provides Telecom services in nearly twenty eight U.S States.
Frontier Communications Subsidiaries
The company executes business through five subsidiaries namely-Citizens Capital Ventures Corporation, Citizens Cable Company, Frontier Communications ILEC Holdings, Frontier Telephone of Rochester and Frontier Subsidiary Telco LLC. Since its inception in 2013 records, the company had 270,800 business subscribers 385,400 video subscribers, 1,866,700 broadband subscribers and 2,803,500 residential subscribers. The company got Revenue of US$ 4,761.576 million in the year 2013. Frontier Communications offers a holistic range of telecommunication services including digital phone, fiber-optic television, Dish satellite, Internet access, local and long-distance telephone services.