Contact Ford Recall
For your convenience to contact Ford Recall We have provided all possible information of Ford Recall. You can contact Ford Recall on the given phone number 1-866-436-7332. To know the address location of Ford Recall it is also presented here PO Box 6248, Dearborn, Michigan 48126 United States. Contact them by sending email to Ford Recall you will find an email address here . To know more about Ford Recall, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Ford Recall, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Ford Recall is Associated With and Known as:
Ford had recalled approximately 390,783 vehicles after sale in 2013. These vehicles had fuel leakage problem. The Company had recalled Taurus, Fusion, Police Interceptor Utility vehicles, Lincoln MKS, MKZ vehicles, etc., models from the market. Ford had received the complaint of crack in the fuel delivery; that may cause the leakage of fuel. Ford Recalling process was started on 20th of June 2013 after receiving a complaint report on 30th of May 2013. The Company has changed the fuel delivery system at free of cost. Not only the vehicle owners, but also the Ford authorized dealers can take the advantages of this free service.
Ford Recall Other Customer Service Number
Ford Recall is energatic in rectifying customer difficulties, provides legitimate regarding exclusive services. The care officials of
Ford Recall are active 24x7 to deliver authentic assistance, gradually enables customers to make direct contact with authority through the below mentioned numbers:
For United States:
Ford Vehicle Owners can also use the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Vehicle Safety Hotline in case of any problem. The hotline number is given below:
Addition to these hearing impaired customers can use the following number to ask any question.
1-800-424-9153Service Portfolio of Ford Recall
Ford Recall service was launched to take an essential care of ford vehicles.
Ford Recall was designated for certain vehicles having manufacturing faults and could gave the birth to a brutal incident. However, the automobile company resolved customer difficulties within a short duration of time, and gradually pleased with customers with persuasive services.