Contact First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact
For your convenience to contact First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact We have provided all possible information of First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact. You can contact First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact on the given phone number 0512 320 9849. To know the address location of First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact it is also presented here 112/323, Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur H O, Kanpur – 208001. Contact them by sending email to First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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First Flight Courier Kanpur Contact is Associated With and Known as:
First Flight Courier Kanpur is one of the operational areas operated by the First Flight Courier Limited company in the region of Uttar Pradesh. First Flight Courier Kanpur branches provides national and international courier express, mail, Cargo and parcel services to the customers. The company's corporate administrative office is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India. First Flight Courier Kanpur branch uses distinct types of tools such as transit Pin-code locator, time calculator, destination locator, rate calculator, conversion factor tool, volumetric weight, Priority Pin-code locator and more to deliver the parcels.
In addition to the courier services, the company offers logistics services including distribution, inventory management, supply chain and warehousing. Apart from this, the First Flight Courier offers tour and travel support services such as tours package, Air tickets, car rent, Visa consulting, hotel booking, and many other. In order to assist the customer, the company provides privilege cards and emotional bond. The online tracking and SMS-tracking services are also provided by the First Flight Courier Kanpur branches for the customer convenience.
First Flight Courier Limited company was introduced on 17th of November 1986 year under the guidelines of O.P. Saboo. Initially, the company started its journey by setting up it's Three main branches in Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai. It provides its products and services to the people by operating its large network of nearby 1300 offices in India, 2320 authorized collection centers, 453 franchises and 11 international offices located in different destinations across the globe. According to the record of 2013, First Flight Courier Limited company holds the strength of approximately 17,053 employees. First Flight Courier Limited company received numerous awards including Amity Corporate Excellence awards, Award of Excellence and many more for its courier services. The opening hours of the company's customer support center are Monday to Saturday from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm. To know about the courier or parcel service charges and other information, the customer can visit First Flight Courier Limited official website given above in our website Dialog box.